new dawn fades...

08/28/12 10:26 PM

Yes, I am still alive!

I'm so sorry for the lack of updates.  I've been consumed by the world lately. 

I will say, however, that I am currently working on four different projects, two of which are poems in anthologies due out this fall and in 2013.  It's been a while since I've written poetry, so I'm pretty excited about those opportunities.  Once they are finalized, I will let you know details.

I'm afraid that I will not be able to finish Flowers in the Dustbin by October.  I tried, but I'm just not close enough to complete it by that time.  I am still going to be appearing at the 2012 NYC Collectible Paperback and Pulp Fiction Expo, though.  So, I do hope that those of you who are in the area or plan to be will stop by and see me then!  I'll have copies of Dial 999 with me as well as books from the incredible Barry Crowther.

Thanks again for all of your support!  It means so much to me! :)

By Hyacinthe Raven

The sky is blue, my hands untied...

03/12/12 06:06 PM

Somewhere in chapter 6 now (of the next Jon Hunter book).  Still planning on having the book in hand in October.  Just in time for the next NYC Collectible Paperback and Pulp Fiction Expo! 

Yes, I will be heading there again this year.  smiley

I will have more details on the website as we approach it.

Thanks again for the continued support!

By Hyacinthe Raven

When the shadows were small...

08/14/11 02:09 PM

I'd love some feedback regarding the upcoming Jon Hunter book (Flowers in the Dustbin).

The first book (Dial 999) was written in first-person, from the point-of-view of our protagonist.  Should I stick with that or mix it up?  The plot in this next book is going to be more intricate, so I'm wondering if first-person won't be good enough or appropriate?  What about a mix between first-person and third-person?  Is that too confusing?

I welcome your ideas on this.  I've read books that have done this, and it worked for a handful but failed for most.  So, I'm afraid that I'm being too ambitious if I do it for my sophomore effort.

Thanks again for your suggestions and support!  I hope to see you in NYC in October!  (Check my 'Events' page for more info.)

By Hyacinthe Raven

Scratch my name on your arm with a fountain pen...

10/13/11 08:46 PM

Relaxing before I head to NYC!  I've had my bags packed for a month now, I'm so excited.  I hope that I will see some of you there!  Check out the Events page for info on where I'll be!

By Hyacinthe Raven

But it's not like the sea...

05/30/11 12:30 PM

It's been a week of FAIL for me lately.  I hope things really do happen in threes, because maybe that means my bad luck is over for a while! 

The laptop I've been using decided to die yesterday.  Thankfully, I regularly back up my writing to a web server, so I don't have to worry about that.  But I have no clue what else was on my computer that I didn't bother backing up.  Ugh.  I'm sure there are quite a few VDP files that I may have just lost.  Moral of the story: do scheduled back-ups of your hard drive to some place external!!!

And then today, Malcolm P. (one of our cats) decided to jump out the window to capture a bird or something.  You'd have to ask my husband why the screen was not down and why he heard and saw nothing.  Luckily, I was in the dining room on the floor below because I heard a crash and saw a big puff of white!  Doesn't appear that he broke anything, but I'm still panicking.  Kids!!

That said, I hope you all have a safe Memorial Day!
Many thanks to all those who have risked and given their lives for the safety and freedom of our own!

By Hyacinthe Raven

Something Beautiful

12/11/10 08:38 PM

Welcome to my gorgeous new website!  Many thanks to the lovely Elisabeth Butler for creating and designing it for me.  She is fabulous!

Please bear with me as I start putting content up.  I've got so much to add here but also have a day job at a university, so until the semester is over I'm crazy busy.

In the meantime, please feel free to check out my new novel, Dial 999.  You can find it on the publisher's website: as well as through, Barnes & Noble, and

I thank you all for your incredible support over these many years. 


By Hyacinthe Raven

Ah...That Time of Year

12/12/10 07:54 PM

I love the soft blanket snow makes when it covers the ground, how it smothers all the sound outside.  I'm not sure how winter looks by you guys, but here in Cleveland the sky tends to be a strange grey-orange, and everything feels ominous.  Like you're in a Neil Gaiman novel with the good guy (who doesn't quite seem so good) sensing the bad guy (who is exquisitely and properly good at not being good).

I have too much work to do tonight to be getting all dreamy and poetic about the precipitation, but it just can't be helped.  This is the stuff that makes me want to curl up and write.  My husband, bless his heart, brought me coffee, which makes a fabulous dinner as far as I'm concerned.  Holiday cards are spread around me, buried under 2 of our 5 cats, in the half-stages of being completed to send to the post.  The Cocteau Twins are fluttering through my laptop as I type, to be followed by Lycia, which truly makes the perfect soundtrack to this season.

Was there a point to this?  Yes.  It's to say that book 2 of the Jon Hunter Mystery series, Flowers in the Dustbin, is being written...with the hope that by this time next year it will be proper reading material.

Stay safe, wherever you are, and know that you are all in my thoughts as my pen goes to paper.

By Hyacinthe Raven

Happy New Year!

12/30/11 06:57 PM

Thank you, everyone, for your support this year!

It's been a bit quiet these past few months, but that's because I've been working on the next Jon Hunter book.  I've got 2 out of the proposed 13 chapters done so far, which should keep me on schedule for an October 2012 release.  Fingers crossed and pencils sharpened!

I've also got a few other books in various stages of completion, so I hope that 2012 will bring them to life as well.

Please have a safe and happy new year!

Much love,


By Hyacinthe Raven

William, it was really nothing...

03/28/11 06:15 PM

I'm so sorry for the lack of communication lately!  It's been a bit chaotic here. 

The trip to NYC didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped, so I'm sorry if I missed any of you while I was there.  Steve Ignorant wasn't issued his visa in time for the show, so he had to postpone it.  I will hopefully be back up there in May for the re-scheduled show, so perhaps I can hang out with some of you then! 

In the meantime, I'm getting some more work done on the next book in the Jon Hunter mystery series (Flowers in the Dustbin).  I think you guys are going to be pleased with it.  While in NYC, I made a few more adjustments and got some great inspiration and ideas.  I'm also still aiming to finish the book by the end of the year, so I won't make you guys wait to long for the next installment.

Thanks again for all of your support.  I appreciate all of you!

By Hyacinthe Raven

Iceblink Luck

02/02/11 03:46 PM

I’m happy to announce that my new poetry book, Razorwire Embrace, has now been released!  It is available for purchase direct from the printer at the moment and should be available in about a month from and Barnes & Noble.  We’re having a couple problems with the old Via Dolorosa Press website right now, so it is not yet available through the publisher.  (Hopefully I’ll have that resolved by the weekend for those of you who would like to order signed copies.)

The other manuscript I unearthed has required more work than I originally thought, so I’m not sure when that one will be ready for publication.  I promise it will be worth the wait, however.  It’s turning out to be incredible (and long!).

As I can’t say it enough, thank you so much for your unending support!  I know many of you have been with me for nearly two decades now, and I appreciate it down to my marrow.

Be safe, and enjoy this new collection!

By Hyacinthe Raven
